Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kitchen Hygiene 入廚衛生

新一輯的 "美女廚房" 又上演, 作為家庭觀眾的我也替 "廚師" 們感到危險. 我深信每個人的廚房都有自已的規則, 而从前 Roommate 們的善意破壞往往都把我氣壞! 就讓我不勝其煩, 再由最基本的入廚衛生說起.

1. 熟的食物要放在雪櫃的上面, 生的放下面, 火腿芝士煙肉放最上, 蔬果放最下面的有蓋蔬果格, 飲品要一起放... Roommate K 常常說我煩, 這樣還不是為你好, 因為要防止交叉感染! 萬一食物滴倒汗水, 熟食的水跌在生食物裏也不會有事; 相反的, 後果會不堪設想!

2. 切 生食/肉類 熟食/蔬果 的砧板 (Chopping boards) 也要分開. 亦是同一道理: 以免交叉感染. 而玻璃板又比木板/膠板好, 易洗易乾, 又不滲水.

3. 清潔碗布當然也要分類. 抹潔淨的枱 / 潔淨的杯碟碗 / 過水時 / 抹升盤 等等的布也要分開.

4. 我遇過一個家庭, 他們愛把待用的銀器放在雪櫃裏, 我問朋友為甚麽, 他說他也不知道, 從小便是這樣, 習慣了便不以為然. 跟他們住了一個月後, 發現雪凍後的刀刀叉叉匙舀不但乾淨, 還有一種很冰涼的感覺, 不論是吃冰凍的芒果慕絲蛋糕或熱乎乎的肉醬意粉, 配上涼浸浸的匙舀刀叉後, 感覺真是透心涼! 直到現在, 我也維持着這個習慣!

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Udon with Chicken in Japanese Style 京燒雞扒烏冬

* Due to some technical difficulties, I apologise for having no narration. But the background music is great!

2 Chicken Fillet 雞扒
Seasoning A: 2 Tsp Soy Sauce 醬油 / 1 Tsp Sugar 糖 / Little Chicken Powder 雞粉
2 Udon 烏冬
Seasoning B: 2 Tsp Soy Sauce 醬油 / 2 Tsp Chicken Powder 雞粉 / Little Water / 2 Tsp Sugar 糖 / 1 Tbsp Oyster Sauce 蠔油
Little Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing蛋黄醬或沙律醬
Little Seaweed 紫菜

Servings: 2

1. Deep fry the chicken fillet with low to medium heat without water or oil, to let the freezing ice/smell out
2. Continue to cook with Seasoning A to get a crusty surface with 70% cooked inside
3. Immediately cook the Udon without turning off the heat, adjust the heat to medium to high
4. Evenly spread the udon (e.g. to form a circle on the wok) and put water to make it chewy
5. Continue to cook with Seasoning B to get the udon 70% - 80% done
6. Blend in the udon with the chicken. After they are ready, add in mayonnaise or salad dressing, stir.
7. Decorate with seaweed!

1. 先用慢火至中火乾煎雞扒把雪藏水迫出
2. 分次序將調味料A 把雞扒煮至金黄色和 7 成熟
3. 將雞扒拿起後立即用中火至猛火煮烏冬
4. 可加水及分佈烏冬在外圍令烏冬鬆軟
5. 再分次序將調味料B 把雞扒煮至 7-8 成熟
6. 把雞扒與烏冬一起炒至全熟後, 拌入蛋黄醬或沙律醬
7. 再以紫菜拌碟!

*Udon can be fully cooked in 2 Minutes , we have to complete Step 5. & Step. 6 or other seasonings quick!
*烏冬屬於超快熟的食物, 適宜在兩分鐘內完成 Step 5. 及 Step 6. 或其他煮法!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Drunken Chicken 醉雞

Whole Chicken
Scallions (葱)
兩粒 八角
½ 樽 - 1樽 花雕紹興酒

1. Boil the chicken in boiled water with ginger and scallions (Around 20-30 Minutes)
2. Chill until it gets cooled down, and cut it into the patterns you like
3a. Soak the chicken in the花雕紹興酒 (Entire Bottle) AND 八角
3b. Soak the chicken in the 醉雞汁 (Entire Bottle or as long as it covers the whole chicken) AND 花雕紹興酒 (1/3 to ½ Bottle)
4. Fridge it for 6 Hours

1. 將薑、葱放進沸水中, 再將雞煮滚 (大約 20 - 30 分鐘)
2. 將雞冷卻 (cool down) 後, 斬件
3a. 把雞 & 八角浸在整樽花雕紹興酒裏

3b. 把雞浸在整樽醉雞汁 (或直至醉雞汁完全蓋過雞隻) 及花雕紹興酒 (1/3至 ½ 樽)
4. 放入雪櫃雪 6 小時

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Souffle 梳乎里

10 Eggs
62.5 g Flour (25g for 4 eggs)
7 Tbsp Sugar (and extra)
Little Margarine / Butter
Little Salt
Serving size: 10

*Pre-heat your oven first

1. Separate Egg White and Egg Yolk
2. Stir and consecutively add 4 Tbsp Sugar on Egg Yolk, until 打起
3. Stir and consecutively add 3 Tbsp Sugar on Egg White, until 打起 (like shampoo)
(Suggested sequence: 2 Tbsp Sugar ---> Salt ---> 1 Tbsp Sugar)
4. Melt Margarine with low heat, then brush the bottom part of the container
5. Decorate the buttered part with sugar
6. Put Flour into (2) (Egg Yolk)
7. Consecutively put (3) (Egg White) into (6) (Egg Yolk), then slowly mix them (Be gentle, don't stir)
8. Put the mixture into the container
9. Bake it for 30 Minutes for 160C
10. Let it cool down for 5-6 Minutes to avoid a collapse

1. 分開蛋白蛋黄
2. 4 Tbsp 糖一邊分開數次放在蛋黄裏, 一邊用打蛋器攪拌, 直至打起
3. 3 Tbsp 糖一邊分開數次放在蛋白裏, 一邊用打蛋器攪拌, 直至打起
(次序建議: 2 Tbsp 糖 ---> 少量 salt ---> 1 Tbsp糖)
4. 用細火把牛油煮溶, 在盤底掃上己溶掉的牛油
5. 在已塗牛油部分掃上少量糖
6. 把麪粉放在 (2) (蛋黄漿)
7. 再逐少逐少將 (3) (蛋白漿) 放在 (6) (蛋黄漿), 用輕力慢慢拌均 (不要用打蛋器)
8. 將已拌好的蛋漿放進 container 內
9. 160C焗 30分鐘
10. 完成後請留在煱爐內冷卻 (cool down) 5 -6分鐘, 以免下陷

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Random Q & A

Among all the “Random Questions”, this makes the most sense. So I decided to do it.

Not a lot of people know this but I'm very good at...
Nutrition! I can tell which Vitamin, supplement, food, or fruit is good for which part of your body. Since I get sick a lot, I learn all those stuff by myself!

The most romantic thing anyone's ever done for me is...
Getting a surprise kiss when I turn around to him whilst at a firework show in Disneyland. Not that romantic huh…

You may not know it but I'm no good at...
Knitting or Manicures. Yes I feel ashamed when every of my girl friend busying at knitting around Valentine’s Day while I have no clue how to do it at all. And I just suck at manicure…

To wake myself up I...
Need Joey’s 零時零分.

When I'm feeling down I...
Tend to be self-autistic. Just don’t want to talk to anyone.

My "happy place" is...

Any warm and cozy place I get to eat, hang around and chat with my loved ones where everybody is happy and relaxed.

My best friend is...
You guys…you know who you are.

If I can, I always try to avoid...
Spicy food, food that makes me fat or my voice bad, animals, flirting of all kinds, falling down, and dropping food and eating utensils.

The best thing my parents taught me...
Not to trust them!?

It's not good for my image but I like...
The wet and frizzy hair, glasses, masks, and PJ look after shower, especially in front of my boyfriends but without the mask part. I didn’t realize it’s that inappropriate or ugly until my girl friends and I talked about this recently. I guess I am so used to living with guys.

My greatest weakness is...
Impatience, easily affected by small things…

If I could pass any law it would be...
Stop lying and stop cheating on anyone.

I drive...
Hell yeah I am a legal driver!

When I was a child I wanted to be...
A teacher (like what every other girl wanted to be).

The shop I can't walk past without buying something is...
Park’n Shop?

The most expensive thing I've ever frittered money on...

I always laugh at...
Basically everything!

At the moment I am reading...
“生命中不能承受之輕” by 米蘭. 昆德拉(Milan Kundera).
And re-reading “He’s just not that into you” by Greg Behrendt and Liz Tuccillo.

The last film I saw was...
“Slumdog Millionaire”. I don’t like it but I think the kids are cute.

The best day of my life…

Is when I’m in love.

My last meal would be...
Miso Ramen made by myself!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Would you please save your energy?

Would you please save your energy?

People especially girls like stirring things up, making (and spreading) fictions behind people’s back, or even faking themselves to please some people I totally got it. What I don’t get is how on earth grown-ups STILL do things that would hurt others and NOT getting any advantage! You girls are pathetic. If you are really that bored, there are so many things on the Earth that you could care about. E.g. underprivileged children, post-war reconstruction, global warming, politics and public awareness. OR we can even discuss Middle-eastern crisis (Oh yeah, FYI it's my Major!). I feel sorry for your empty and hollow lives.